Saturday, August 7, 2010

Week Three and Four...

It has been a couple more weeks but there hasn't really been anything big to post. Life has been like I imagine it would be if I lived in China and I have slipped into a routine of work, massage, walking, shopping and spending time with the friends I have made since I got here. This past week I went out to a club for the first time with my roommate and a woman I met on the street who was really interested in me coming out to party with her and some friends. We went to a pretty nice place but bars are really not my scene. The coolest thing about it was that the bartenders would juggle and do tricks like on that movie Cocktail. One of them was really cute and it was fun to watch.

This week we also had a torrential downpour. It was crazy. I was on the way to this cafe with my roommate on our lunch break and it just started raining but not like the rain I am used to. It was like someone was standing up in the sky and pouring huge buckets of water on us. Our umbrellas were essentially useless and I ended up getting drenched. There are supposed to be scattered thunderstorms for the rest of the week.

This is my last week in Dalian. I know that I will definitely miss some things about this city but I am also really ready to be on vacation again. Even though I only had to work 22 hours a week they were spread out in such an inconvenient way that it felt like I was working six regular days a week, which in essence I was. I bought my train ticket this week for Guilin and I leave next Saturday. My roommate helped me get a hard sleeper so I think that this train experience will be much nicer. It is going to be a long one! I leave Dalian at 1:50pm on Saturday and do not get into Guilin until about noon on Monday. We shall see how it goes, it is definitely going to be an adventure!

Today I am off to do some more shopping and enjoy my last full free day in Dalian. This is a great town and I am really glad I got the opportunity to spend so much time here.


  1. I couldn't imagine such a long train ride! I hope it is somewhat comfortable and you see some cool stuff on the way!

  2. Thanks! I hope your summer is treating you well!

  3. Aiden - I've been getting a sneak peek of Guilin on Google Earth. The Chinese love to post photos on Panoramio - how beautiful. No wonder you wanted to go there. Have a great time, go on several river cruises.....Maggie
