Friday, August 27, 2010

Boudha, Nepal...

I have been in Boudha for two days now and I feel so lucky to be here. I have had the opportunity to go to my teacher Lama Wangdu Rinpoche's Monastery a few times so far and the monks and head teacher there have been very kind to me! The first day I had the opportunity to eat dinner and spend some time with the monks and then practice Chod with them. I mostly watched and listened but I was able to follow along on my text pretty much the whole time. I wanted to be prepared when I got there so I bought a damaru and very old kangling. The damaru turned out to not be very good quality and the kangling turned out to be more of an antique. I learned a very important lesson in patience and waiting for help.

Yesterday I was able to walk around with Sanmo the main teacher and head of the Monastery while Lama Wangdu is away and he helped me buy a very good quality damaru and kangling. I felt so honored to have his help. I plan on spending the next 8 days focusing on meditation, Chod practice and studying. I am setting up a little retreat for myself here at the guesthouse and I hope to gain a lot of insight into my mind and all of the ways I get carried away into habitual patterns and illusions that keep me from my true nature and happiness. It is inspiring to be around people who have dedicated their whole lives to waking up and helping others to become liberated as well.

I probably won't be updating much on here again until I get back to China. The internet speed here in Nepal is very poor and I am unable to add any more pictures until I get back to China.

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