Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lama Temple

Peking Downtown Backpackers Hostel

Getting my feet wet...

Well I arrived in Beijing yesterday around 4:30pm and got a ride from the airport to my hostel in downtown Beijing which went incredibly smoothly. The driver was waiting for me right when I walked through customs and I quickly began acclimating to thick pollution that covers the city. I had been warned about this before I left but I guess you really have to see it to believe it. From the plane as we were landing you could see a thick yellowish film that obscured the land until about 50 feet before touching down. The drive to the hostel was the beginning of a process that will continue to unfold over the next couple of months of a completely different way of existing than I have been used to and I think it will change my life forever. What stuck out most notably for me is that driving is an entirely different beast in China. I was scared for my life and the life of those around me more than once on the drive to hostel! It appears that many Chinese drivers do not follow traffic laws and at intersections often it is a free for all of cars, buses, bikes and mopeds vying to make it through the intersection. Note: cars do not stop for pedestrians and pedestrians do not obey the traffic signal, lol. I do not know how they make it work but I have not really seen an accident yet! When we got to the hostel everyone was very friendly, they checked me in smoothly and my room is actually really nice. Last night I basically got settled in and went to bed around 7:30pm because I slept very little on the plan.

This morning when I woke up I went next door to the hostel where they served a complimentary breakfast which was not too bad. It consisted of fried eggs, toast, orange juice and a sausage link with apple slices that I did not eat. I had not converted any of my money over yet so after breakfast I walked over to China Construction Bank and get some Chinese currency out of the ATM. After that and I am very proud of myself I followed directions from a woman who works at the hostel and took the bus to Beijing Central Bus station where I stood in line for about 45mins to find out that there were no seats left on the train from Beijing to Chengdu until July 4th and then there was only a seat. I purchased it (it is going to be a long ride) and headed back to the hostel where I was able to keep my room for a couple more nights and book a dorm room for my last night in Beijing. Since I am not going to be able to make it to Chengdu until July 5th I decided to cancel my leg to Shanghai and stay in Chengdu until the 10th where I will fly now from Chengdu to Dalian. It was a little hick-up in my plan (but I kind of knew I would have to be flexible) and it cost me a little extra than I was planning but in the end it is going to make my travels much more relaxed and comfortable! After I figured all of that stuff out I took another train to the Lama Temple. It was such a beautiful experience of which I took many pictures and I will try and upload some of them with this post tonight. After the Lama Temple I walked to the Confucius Temple which was also very beautiful. Both Temples were really powerful for me. It was unreal to stand in the middle of such history. While I was walking I stopped in a vegetarian restaurant and ordered some noodles which came with cabbage, carrots and onions. It was really good and so far, knock on wood, my digestive system feels alright. This evening after I got back to the hostel I went to a place about 100 meters down from where I am staying and intended to get a 60min medicated foot massage. I found out you have to be really clear and insist on only the 60 minute medicated foot massage. About an hour and a half later I walked out with a pedicure, foot cupping, cupping and gua sha. Still for all of that it was about $26. I am hoping it will not be too much for my system. Right now I feel really relaxed and like I could hit the hay pretty soon tonight as well. (note to all my CCM friends: holy cow, they are really good at cupping here, remind me to explain more later!)

Tomorrow depending on how I feel I am thinking of heading to the Forbidden City and on Friday I have signed up for a tour of the Great Wall through my hostel. When I first got here and this morning when I woke up, I was a little overwhelmed and almost had a moment of panic wondering what I got myself into but tonight I am feeling much better and I am excited for the adventure to continue. It is definitely a trip to be in a place where very few people speak English and sometimes it feels a little isolating but I am just going to continue trying the practice the Chinese I know with people and hope to connect with folks staying in the hostels. So far the Chinese have been very kind and gracious! I am going to wrap this up for now but I will leave you with a few facts about China I have learned so far: 1) you need to carry toilet paper with you wherever you go because it is not provided in any of the bathrooms I have been in so far, luckily I have not been able to poop yet, 2) Never go into the men's room at the train station, 3) pay very good attention walking anywhere and 4) the bus only costs 15 cents. More to come....

Saturday, June 26, 2010

One more day!

Wow, it is getting down to the wire, one more day and I am out of here. It is still kind of surreal, in a couple of days it is going to be a reality I can taste, touch, smell and feel. I have always wanted to go on an adventure like this, to break out on my own and take a journey of trusting in myself and my ability to connect with others in this huge world we live in. I know this experience is going to be life changing and I am ready for it! I feel so lucky to have this opportunity and I am grateful for all of the help and inspiration I have had along the way...

Monday, June 21, 2010

One Week out...

I can't believe I am leaving in a week. It seems like I have been waiting for this trip forever and now time is flying by. I have two finals left this week and then I have to move all of my stuff out of my apartment into storage. It is going to be over before I know it and I will be sitting on a plane to Beijing. I am so excited for this summer and feel like it is going to be a trans formative adventure. For now though I have to focus on finishing up the quarter with an herbs final today and a points final on Wednesday. After these a long break of relaxation is in order!